You can support UK Disability History Month by taking out a Paypal monthly payment to us / or one off donation (click to see our “Affiliate / Donate page” for more details).
You can also get information off the website and raise it in any forum that you are a member of:
a Tenants Association,
a community group,
a play and toddlers group,
a women’s institute,
an interest club etc.
Raise the issue that disabled people are getting the sharp end of what is happening in our society and this is leading to an increase in hate crime towards them.
If you stand against these barbaric ideas then contact your friends and get them involved in doing something to support UKDHM.
You could:
- Tell people about UK Disability History Month and why we are holding it.
-Write a letter to your local newspaper pointing out the discrimination and hate crime that still exists to disabled people.
-Use the local library or archive to find out how disabled people in your area used to be treated.
Look up witch trials from 1480-1680. How many were condemned for being disabled?
Look at the Poor Law Parish records how many were recorded as infirmed, lame, mad, imbeciles or idiots? Find out what happened to them?
Examine information about long stay mental hospitals or homes for incurables in your area. Can you find anything written by inmates or ex-inmates?
What education did disabled people get in the past and where?
Look back at issues of your local paper 100, 70, 50 and 30 years ago and find articles about disabled people. Describe the tone and language and content of the writing.
Find out about your local disabled peoples organisations and invite them into your workplace, school, college or community group to talk about changes in their lives and how current changes in benefit will affect them.