Entries in REGIONAL HISTORY (16)
Speaking Up for Disability

Speaking Up for Disability is a community history project recording and sharing the stories, experiences, achievements and struggles of disabled people in West Sussex.
The project does not seek to present a definitive history of disability, but rather to hear from many people, telling their own stories in their own words.
Supporting communication through AAC
This package contains 12 modules. It aims to help parents, teachers and professionals to support individuals who may benefit from using AAC. The modules are available to download from this page as Pdfs.
Each module stands alone and addresses a specific topic or a particular group of users. However, each module is cross-referenced.
from Scope
website : http://www.scope.org.uk/help-and-information/communication/aac
Thumbs Up - Brighton
The aim of the Thumbs Up Scheme is to improve services to people with a learning disability. The scheme is based on ten tips for good customer support.
How the scheme works:
This is a free scheme open to all businesses and services in Brighton & Hove. We would like services to pledge to offer good support to people with a learning disability. In return we will send you a free training DVD and brochure on good customer service.
University of Leicester, 'Rethinking Disability Representation'
Rethinking Disability Representation in Museums and Galleries
Initiated and managed by RCMG, Rethinking Disability Representation in Museums and Galleries (RDR) was a large scale, experimental project which developed new approaches to the interpretation of disability and the representation of disabled people’s lives and experiences in museums and galleries in the UK. It aimed to develop politically aware approaches to interpretation drawing on the social model of disability.
Webstie: http://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/museumstudies/rcmg/projects/rethinking-disability-representation-1
Words to Wales
The aim of 'Words to Wales' is to promote knowledge and understanding of the barriers faced by disabled people in everyday life in Wales through poetry and prose. It aims to raise awareness amongst others such as people working in public services, the media and the general public to have more insight into the lives of disabled people.
Download the Words to Wales publication and other good resources on the website: http://www.disabilitywales.org/2174