
All Equal All Different

16 A3 Postersin black and white with a caption and a photograph shot by Carlos Reyes-Manzo in 9 schools. To go up on walls to create an image of inclusion and an inspiring discussion.

[Click this link for downloadable PDF of these Posters]


Anjan Bhattacharya

Despite being deaf and dumb, Anjan Bhattacharya earned a good name and fame in cricket. He was born on October 15, 1951 , in West Bengal . When he did not speak or respond to sound his family members were very disappointed.

To find out more about his story - or just want to browse the Disability Indian Network > follow this link http://www.disabilityindia.org/djstoriessep06D.cfm


Artists First

Artists First is a group of 16 disabled visual artists with learning difficulties based in Bristol.

Artists First includes artists who met while attending Social Services' Day Centres and artists who have lived in long stay residential hospitals. We believe that as a group we can support each other and that we can do powerful work together, things that we could not do alone.

To watch a short film introducing Artists First, go to www.redweather.co.uk/artistsfirst

or go to their website at: http://www.artistsfirst.org.uk/


Autism 100

Autism 100 aims to celebrate the success of those experiencing autism through stories, videos, poetry and photography.  This website gives a chance for people with autism to speak up about succeeding and to give a voice to those that sometimes don’t have one.



Camden Society book

"I Want What You Have: Five Decades of Making it Happen"

A book telling the story of the Camden Society, an organization with the human rights of people with learning difficulties at its heart, in the context of the social care policy of 20th century Britain.

Click here to read a fantastic review


CoolTan Arts:

... a mental health and arts charity that believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.

They have lots of exciting events during Septmber, the info of which is on their website.



Dartford Hospital Histories

This website is devoted to the history of Dartford’s hospitals. I have always been interested in history and my interest in the hospitals came as I was working in the library at Joyce Green; the hospital was due to close and there was a huge amass of archive material collected by Dr John Burne. As I sorted through the collection I made notes, took a few photocopies and eventually had enough material to write my first book ‘A History of the Darenth Hospitals’ which covered the smallpox camps, the Southern, Darenth Park and the Mabledon (this book is out of print now but may be available as a download later). I then wrote ‘Joyce Green and the River Hospitals’, covering the hospital ships, Long Reach, the Orchard and Joyce Green. My latest book ‘Stone House: the City of London Asylum’ was written after the Trust contacted me and asked me to write their history.

This is the website: http://dartfordhospitalhistories.org.uk/


Disability News and Information Service

See their website at http://www.dnis.org/

Information is a powerful tool. It can lead to self-advocacy and empowerment, if used intelligently. This is what we firmly believe in at Disability News and Information Service (DNIS) - a fortnightly news service on the Indian disability sector.


Disability Social History Project:  

An American site with information on the struggle for the development of disabled peoples rights in the USA



Disabled people who have made a difference

Contents: Includes 45 A4 paper copies of Name, Dates, Picture(s) and a short explanation of their contribution. These are but a small sample of the millions of disabled people who have contributed to human history and development. This introduction can be used to initiate a discussion on one or several of them. They can be grouped by when lived, what they did, gender or ethnicity or displayed as a talking point.

[Click here fore PDF version]