Entries in BOOKS (15)


Pride Against Prejudice

Transforming Attitudes to Disability

by Jenny Morris, The Women's Press, London, 1991.

Contents: A good account of disability politics from a feminist viewpoint.

Available on Amazon.com


Scapegoat - Katherine Quarmby

....Why are We Failing Disabled People?

Every few months there's a shocking news story about the sustained, and often fatal, abuse of a disabled person. It's easy to write off such cases as bullying that got out of hand, terrible criminal anomalies or regrettable failures of the care system, but in fact they point to a more uncomfortable and fundamental truth about how our society treats its most unequal citizens. In Scapegoat, Katharine Quarmby looks behind the headlines to trace the history of disability and our discomfort with disabled people, from Greek and Roman culture through the Industrial Revolution and the origins of Britain's asylum system to the eugenics movement and the Holocaust, right through to the modern day.

Author's website: http://www.katharinequarmby.co.uk/pages/scapegoat.htm

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- Tom Shakespeare

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Sorry I Don't Have The Time 

by Micheline Mason

Sorry I Don't Have The Time

is a poetry collection

for a modern and socially aware reader.

Micheline covers everything from the last General Election in Britain in Inviting The Thieves Back In to more efficient ways of fruit peeling in The Other End of the Banana. She is not scared to make you angry, though she is happy to make you laugh.

An excellent read.


Take up thy Bed and Walk:  

Death, Disability and Cure in Classic Fiction for Girls

by Lois Keith,

Excellent read. Full of useful curriculum material.

Available to buy on Amazon.com


The Encyclopedia of American Disability History

A 3 Volume Set Authored by: Susan Burch, Ph.D.; Foreword by Paul K. Longmore, Ph.D.


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