Entries in Adult and Community education (17)


Altogether Better (1994)

by Micheline Mason & Richard Rieser (T)

Contents:  A booklet and video pack which explains the importance of educating disabled children in mainstream schools. Has some useful graphics and cartoons and arguments for inclusive education Comic Relief/RRDE . The film clips can be used with classes. http://www.worldofinclusion.com/resources.htm#altogether

[Click this link for a PDF version]


Born on the Fourth of July - Ron Kovic

Antiwar activist and Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic has turned his personal tragedy into a blessing by helping other people. As a young ma, Kovic thought that fighting a a war was a heroic, glamorous job.

Kovic was paralyzed from the waist-down after he was shot in the shoulder. Physically wounded and mentally unstable, Kovic thought he would return home to a hero's welcome. Instead, he was spat on by Americans, and placed in a miserable Veteran's Hospital.

See this link for more details -http://www.heroism.org/class/1970/kovic.html

or check this out : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ron-kovic/a-letter-to-the-president_b_337002.html



Camden Society book

"I Want What You Have: Five Decades of Making it Happen"

A book telling the story of the Camden Society, an organization with the human rights of people with learning difficulties at its heart, in the context of the social care policy of 20th century Britain.

Click here to read a fantastic review


Defying Stereotypes: The Way forward

Stereotypes are groups of attitudes which have little or no basis in reality and yet persist in cultures. Stereotyping reduces the individuality and character of people to false social constructs. This leads to name-calling and violence towards the subjects of stereotyping, undercutting the humanity of the victims.

There are ten main stereotypes of disabled people:

Click this link for our document on these stereotypes, and how to avoid them!


Disability and Social Change

"Combining critical policy analysis with biographical accounts, this book provides a socio-historical account of the changing treatment of disabled people in Britain from the 1940s to the present day. It asks whether life has really changed for disabled people and shows the value of using biographical methods in new and critical ways to examine social and historical change over time."



Disabled People in Britain and Discrimination

by Colin Barnes (1991), Hurst, London.

Contents: General position disabled people.  Chapters on position of disabled people education and history very relevant. This book paved way for legislation in the UK.



Incurably Human (2005)

Written and Illustrated by Micheline Mason

Contents: An excellent essay on why the development of inclusion is essential, drawing on insights from the author, as a disabled parent of a disabled child. Available from Inclusive Solutions.

Buy online: http://www.inclusive-solutions.com/bookdetails.asp?ID=39 


Out of Sight:

The Experience of Disability 1900-1950

by Humphries, S., & Gordon, P. (1992). Plymouth: Northcote House

Contents: Many first hand accounts of the experience of disabled people. A compelling book, extensively illustrated with rare photographs.  The authors tell the story of disabled people in Britain in the days before the Welfare state. Based on many interviews with blind, deaf and physically disabled people. Linked to Channel 4 TV Series

Activity drawing on the book Education of disabled people in first part of C20th
[Click here for PDF or “Schooling for Disabled Pupils 1900-1950]

Click here to go to Youtube.com > The Story of the effects of the Mental Deficiency Act 1913


Pride Against Prejudice

Transforming Attitudes to Disability

by Jenny Morris, The Women's Press, London, 1991.

Contents: A good account of disability politics from a feminist viewpoint.

Available on Amazon.com


Scapegoat - Katherine Quarmby

....Why are We Failing Disabled People?

Every few months there's a shocking news story about the sustained, and often fatal, abuse of a disabled person. It's easy to write off such cases as bullying that got out of hand, terrible criminal anomalies or regrettable failures of the care system, but in fact they point to a more uncomfortable and fundamental truth about how our society treats its most unequal citizens. In Scapegoat, Katharine Quarmby looks behind the headlines to trace the history of disability and our discomfort with disabled people, from Greek and Roman culture through the Industrial Revolution and the origins of Britain's asylum system to the eugenics movement and the Holocaust, right through to the modern day.

Author's website: http://www.katharinequarmby.co.uk/pages/scapegoat.htm

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