Entries in PDF (12)


Citizenship and Disability

Contents: A classroom resource pack for teachers. Produced by the Disability Rights Commission;

Video "Talk" 13 mins. [Faulty link – to be repaired]
Resource pack book with lots of useful classroom activities. [Click here for PDF]


Defying Stereotypes: The Way forward

Stereotypes are groups of attitudes which have little or no basis in reality and yet persist in cultures. Stereotyping reduces the individuality and character of people to false social constructs. This leads to name-calling and violence towards the subjects of stereotyping, undercutting the humanity of the victims.

There are ten main stereotypes of disabled people:

Click this link for our document on these stereotypes, and how to avoid them!


Disability Equality In the Classroom  

A Human Rights Issue (1990/1992) by Richard Rieser & Micheline Mason

Contents: A handbook for teachers which compiles some of the best thinking by disabled people about our history, our current issues, language, images, and culture. Many ideas, as to how to bring disability into the classroom as an issue of equality in the last section

The activities contained within this book, though 20 years old, still present many useful resources for raising disability equality throughout the school curriculum. You may wish to update a few or use them as historical documents.

[Click here for a PDF of the handbook] (Please wait for link to load)
[There is a set of 44 resource cards for use in the classroom also]


Disability Reading Resource

'Disability Reading Resource'

A resource of picture books to value children's experience.

Download a PDF by clicking this link.


Disabled people who have made a difference

Contents: Includes 45 A4 paper copies of Name, Dates, Picture(s) and a short explanation of their contribution. These are but a small sample of the millions of disabled people who have contributed to human history and development. This introduction can be used to initiate a discussion on one or several of them. They can be grouped by when lived, what they did, gender or ethnicity or displayed as a talking point.

[Click here fore PDF version] 


Disabling Imagery (2004)

by Richard Rieser

Contents: A teachers guide packed full of ideas for examining how disability has been portrayed in moving images of cinema and TV. Lots of lesson ideas. A DVD with 22 film clips included. From British Film Institute or Worldof inclusion.com  £25. DVD on its own £10.

Online text: www.bfi.org.uk/disablingimagery

[Or click here for full PDF version


Everybody Welcome Here

These posters will help and aid you meet your statutory duty to promote Disability Equality throughout the year class discussion.

15 new A3 posters promoting Disability Equality in Secondary Schools set from

[Click this link for downloadable PDF of these Posters (Orientation: Landscape)] or [(Orientation: Portrait)]


Invisible Children: 

It’s 15 years since Alliance for Inclusive education held the Invisible Children Conference with Save the Children

The verdict of that Conference was that disabled children were either absent or used in stereotypical ways. We asked 70 children’s authors and illustrators was to be part of the conference and be part of what was going on. 

[For the Full publication of "Invisbile Children" as a PDF Click here]
(Please wait patiently for page to load as it is a large document) 




Real People Real Lives

Contents: A pack developed to challenge the misconceptions held about disabled people and to promote inclusion. Includes teachers notes, lesson activities, full colour posters and cards.

Teachers Guide [Click here for PDF pack]
Teachers Guide Word [Click here for DOC pack]
Cards [Click here for PDF of cards]
Posters [Click here for PDF of posters


SCOPE - Speaking For Ourselves  

Scope is a leading national disability organisation whose mission is to drive the change to make our society the first where disabled people achieve equality. This means defeating disablism, which is discrimination against disabled people.

This is an important resource looking at the oral history of people with cerebral palsy over the last 60 years, Pack, Timeline and film:

Scope Speaking for Ourselves - [view as PDF]

Scope Speaking for Ourselves Guide  - [view as PDF]

Scope Speaking for Ourselves Timeline - [view as PDF]

Scope – online link http://www.speakingforourselves.org.uk/index.php/resources/video