A national organisation which supports people with Learning Disabilities and Autism to live the life they want. It supports over 2500 people and their families across England and South Wales.
A national organisation which supports people with Learning Disabilities and Autism to live the life they want. It supports over 2500 people and their families across England and South Wales.
"Combining critical policy analysis with biographical accounts, this book provides a socio-historical account of the changing treatment of disabled people in Britain from the 1940s to the present day. It asks whether life has really changed for disabled people and shows the value of using biographical methods in new and critical ways to examine social and historical change over time."
Disability Arts Online is a web journal that gives disabled and deaf artists, performers, film-makers, writers, and critics a place to talk about developing artistic practice and accessing the arts.
DAO welcomes mid-career or emerging artists and companies who work under the umbrella of disability arts, to share artistic development; discuss issues; and get encouragement and knowledge about the value of disability / deaf arts and culture.
...Promoting positive attitudes through the teaching of the national curriculum.
Children’s Society 2009
A Human Rights Issue (1990/1992) by Richard Rieser & Micheline Mason
Contents: A handbook for teachers which compiles some of the best thinking by disabled people about our history, our current issues, language, images, and culture. Many ideas, as to how to bring disability into the classroom as an issue of equality in the last section
The activities contained within this book, though 20 years old, still present many useful resources for raising disability equality throughout the school curriculum. You may wish to update a few or use them as historical documents.
[Click here for a PDF of the handbook] (Please wait for link to load)
[There is a set of 44 resource cards for use in the classroom also]
this is a pcs resource pack
Disability News Service (DNS) is run by John Pring, an experienced journalist who has been reporting on disability issues for more than 15 years.
He launched DNS to address the absence of in-depth reporting in both the specialist and mainstream media on issues that affect the lives of disabled people.
'The aim is to encourage schools and colleges, as well as the media, unions, employers and public bodies, to raise the profile of disabled people’s rights, inclusion, disablism, the social model of disability and the struggle for equality.'
We think you’d like to read more on his website > http://www.disabilitynewsservice.com/
Disability Now is a UK magazine aimed at disabled people, published by UK disability charity Scope.
check it out at http://www.disabilitynow.org.uk/
'Disability Reading Resource'
A resource of picture books to value children's experience.
by Colin Barnes (1991), Hurst, London.
Contents: General position disabled people. Chapters on position of disabled people education and history very relevant. This book paved way for legislation in the UK.