
Supporting communication through AAC 

This package contains 12 modules. It aims to help parents, teachers and professionals to support individuals who may benefit from using AAC. The modules are available to download from this page as Pdfs.

Each module stands alone and addresses a specific topic or a particular group of users. However, each module is cross-referenced.

from Scope

website : http://www.scope.org.uk/help-and-information/communication/aac


Take up thy Bed and Walk:  

Death, Disability and Cure in Classic Fiction for Girls

by Lois Keith,

Excellent read. Full of useful curriculum material.

Available to buy on Amazon.com


The Encyclopedia of American Disability History

A 3 Volume Set Authored by: Susan Burch, Ph.D.; Foreword by Paul K. Longmore, Ph.D.



The Social Model of Disability 

-What is the Social Model of Disability?
-How does the Social Model of Disability apply to learning differences in higher education?
-What is The Way Forward?

LEARN ABOUT THE SOCIAL MODEL ON THIS WEBSITE - http://brainhe.com/TheSocialModelofDisabilityText.html#history


Thumbs Up - Brighton

The aim of the Thumbs Up Scheme is to improve services to people with a learning disability. The scheme is based on ten tips for good customer support.

How the scheme works:
This is a free scheme open to all businesses and services in Brighton & Hove. We would like services to pledge to offer good support to people with a learning disability. In return we will send you a free training DVD and brochure on good customer service.



The Newsletter of the United Kingdom Disabled People's Council features UK Disability History Month in their Winter 2010-11 Issue.

Download the newsletter here to learn more information on UK Disability History Month and UKDPC.


UN Enable 

United Nations Enable is the official website of the Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (SCRPD) in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) at the United Nations Secretariat. The website provides public information on topics related to disability and the work of the United Nations for persons with disabilities.

website - http://www.un.org/disabilities/


UN International Agreement on Rights of Disabled People - Easyread

In every aspect of life disabled people have the same rights as others. These rights are implicitly covered by other human rights treaties.

However, disabled people’s rights can often be ignored, so the UN Convention on the Rights of Disabled People explicitly states what these rights are. The Convention then sets out what governments should do to promote and protect these rights.

A PDF is a available in Easy read - on this website: http://odi.dwp.gov.uk/docs/wor/uncon/un-agree.pdf


What is The Social model of Disability?

When exploring Disability Equality, it is important to fully understand Disability from a social model aspect of disability and human rights.

We think it is so important that we have complied an summery of what the differences between the 'Social' and the 'Medical' models are on our website 

[Click here for our link]

Or alternatively there's a GREAT PDF text compiled by the NCODP [Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People] which is also available, in full, online

[Click this link for this PDF document]


World of Inclusion

World of Inclusion has developed a set of resources for developing disability equality in the curriculum and a range of lesson ideas, resources, activities to promote this.  Richard Rieser Disability Equality has also developed a whole range of resources to specifically raise disability equality within the curriculum.
