Entries in NATIONAL HISTORY (62)


Sorry I Don't Have The Time 

by Micheline Mason

Sorry I Don't Have The Time

is a poetry collection

for a modern and socially aware reader.

Micheline covers everything from the last General Election in Britain in Inviting The Thieves Back In to more efficient ways of fruit peeling in The Other End of the Banana. She is not scared to make you angry, though she is happy to make you laugh.

An excellent read.


Take up thy Bed and Walk:  

Death, Disability and Cure in Classic Fiction for Girls

by Lois Keith,

Excellent read. Full of useful curriculum material.

Available to buy on Amazon.com


The 1601 Poor Law:

Society in Elizabethan England was changing and the number of poor people living in abject poverty was increasing. A series of laws was introduced by the English Parliament in 1563, 1572, 1576, 1597 culminating in the 1601 Poor Law.

To find out more follow this link > Click here


The Disability Archive UK

The aim of the Disability Archive UK is to provide disabled people, students and scholars with an interest in this and related fields, access to the writings of those disability activists, writers and allies whose work may no longer be easily accessible in the public domain. It is hoped that the documents available via the Archive will help to inform current and future debates on disability and related issues. The Archive will be periodically expanded to include other material as and when it becomes available.

website : http://www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studies/archiveuk/


The Mental Health Project Film

Throughout history, those experiencing mental health issues, ranging from problems often seen as extreme and frightening (schizophrenia, mania, self-harm and suicidal behaviours, for example) to those perceived as more 'normal' and commonplace (depression, anxiety, eating disorders, addictions, etc) have been stigmatised and misunderstood .  This still happens today.  Peer Productions attempted to unravel the misconceptions and confront the prejudices faced by those with mental health issues ... see the website : http://www.peerproductions.co.uk/community/productions/future/1/mental-health-project-film/68/


The Social History of Learning Disability at The Open University

This group was founded in 1994 and researches the history of learning disability as well as documenting the life stories of those with learning disabilities.  A two-day annual conference is hosted by the Open University every Summer and they regularly publish books, journal articles and have pioneered a variety of inclusive research methods.



The Social Model of Disability 

-What is the Social Model of Disability?
-How does the Social Model of Disability apply to learning differences in higher education?
-What is The Way Forward?

LEARN ABOUT THE SOCIAL MODEL ON THIS WEBSITE - http://brainhe.com/TheSocialModelofDisabilityText.html#history


The Wall by Anthony Minghella

A powerful film by Anthony Minghella

about disability discrimintation, bringing to the fore of the nation’s attention.

web: http://www.comicrelief.com/picture-gallery/2010/wall-anthony-minghella




The Newsletter of the United Kingdom Disabled People's Council features UK Disability History Month in their Winter 2010-11 Issue.

Download the newsletter here to learn more information on UK Disability History Month and UKDPC.


What is The Social model of Disability?

When exploring Disability Equality, it is important to fully understand Disability from a social model aspect of disability and human rights.

We think it is so important that we have complied an summery of what the differences between the 'Social' and the 'Medical' models are on our website 

[Click here for our link]

Or alternatively there's a GREAT PDF text compiled by the NCODP [Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People] which is also available, in full, online

[Click this link for this PDF document]